
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | 9:03 PM | 0 comments
Quotes lagi : When you truly love someone, you can never get bored of that person.
huh! cakap psal boring la kan..cik aini nabila kite nie kan suke sgt ckp "b,borink laa.kte mcm ntah pape an,bosan gile". slalu je ckp mcm tu..bile dah bnyak kali bce psal lovelove nie.once kite ckp borink kat psagn kite or ta kire la bpe bnyak kali pon kan.actually.ia akan lbih merosotkn hbungun ! huh !after tros ckp kat mohd kholil.."b,lpas nie,,i'm will not gonna say bored or etc anymore.promise!".*and i'm just keep smiling.ahakss
you know what? then he said: "tawpon tanak ckp dah,,ni asyik ckp bosan je.ta abes2.apela"'s okay and until now i've nver say boring to him except sometimes bcoz i'm totally bored ! hahahaha..gile btol pmpuan nie.tapi ade btol jgak.dy yg buat cik aini nabila jadi borink,kalo kuar hang out(*dating) kemain agy mulot dy cakap.ta bentibenti.dahla suke membebel.mcm makcikmakcik,haha.kalo dh b'jauhan niee.alahai.mcet mcm biskut kering.yg cik aini nabila peliknye..kalo mcet kat maktab dlu.pdhal dkat.harihari dpt jupe...dy la pling smgat mcet aq..huh !'s okay ! aq tanak pikir lbeh2.and thank God sbb kami jaoh.kalo dekat2 nie tkot la,,bhye! lagi jaoh.lagi rindu kan3? cik aini nabila serah semua pada Allah SWT...Dia yang lebih mngetahui siapa jodohku .p/s:mintak2 la hensem,tough !HAHA.> je kot.ta reti la nk story pnjang2.okay dear..and to those yg sdang b'cinte la kan.don't ever you throw word 'boring' to one that you love.bcoz sometimes it will worsen a relationship.that all kids.goodbye.

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